I’ve had a huge physical transformation since my son was born in late 2015.  I am inspired to share the nutrition and

I’ve had a huge physical transformation, with over 50 lbs lost since my son was born in late 2015.  I am inspired to share the nutrition and fitness plan that has worked so well for me!  I am still a work in progress, but am enjoying the journey towards my health and fitness goals!

fitness plan that has worked so well for me!aaimg_5744

July 2016 to September 2016

I’ve tried all the fad diets, workout programs, even cleanses and pills- here’s why THIS fitness and nutrition program WORKS for me:


– I workout 5-6 days a week, at home, for 30 minutes or less per day. This means having a baby, a busy family, and a million things to take care of is NEVER an excuse. 30 minutes!

– I eat clean! Nothing weird, no pills-chemicals-fasting. I cook real foods, eat with my family, and get creative with recipes and meals. I still eat carbs, fats, WINE (ahem vodka), occasional treats- all with moderation, balance and without feeling deprived


– I drink a superfood shake everyday that I make into either a peanut butter cup or a peppermint patty- it kills the bloat and satisfies my very… persistent chocolate cravings. It’s GOOD


That’s IT! and I’m in the best shape of my life with no plan to stop anytime soon 😃


If you’re interested learning more about this lifestyle- contact me below or email me at danielle@wholespiritacupuncture.com. I’d love to share how you can follow this simple program to reach your goals!


What you get when you join me:


1. Your choice of Fitness program: Choose from one of MANY 30-45 minute or less workouts that can be done at home. Cardio, strength, endurance, muscle building, dance, yoga, pilates, any many more options that can be modified for beginners or injuries.  I will help you choose the right program based on your fitness level and goals!


2. The 21-Day fix eating plan a detailed nutrition program to teach you exactly how much to eat from each food group every day. It color codes things to make it easy to build clean and healthy meals. This has been such a blessing to me! It simplified my eating habits, and doesn’t leave me starving!


3. A month supply of Shakeology, which is a super healthy meal replacement. It’s a great breakfast or snack option; all natural, filled with fruits/grains/veggies, has protein, aids in digestion, increases energy levels, helps with bloat and water weight, and helps to curb cravings to name several benefits. It’s completely natural and considered a whole food, ingredients are from indigenous farmers around the globe. A dense dose of nutrition that will do your body wonders.


4. Access to our monthly accountability groups to help you stay on track! Our groups are filled with ladies who are all helping and supporting each other reach health/fitness goals. I help facilitate by teaching about a clean eating lifestyle, healthy mindset, and daily tips, and also meal plans for 21 Day Fixers


A new group starts the every month– Contact me to join!




Contact me for Challenge Group details!

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